Im sorry but i didnt like this
I am no fan of clock, glock, lock movies .. sure there are some gems out there but they are rare, and this one .. well it didnt cut it in my book sure it was nice with lip sync and all and you proved a point. but talking about the score and comparing about it ? well it might be because alot of the people here vote high on clock movies adn things like that, and most voters for this movie probaly voted high because to demonstrate. I find this alittle bit .. hypocrit ? english isnt my first language mind that, i mean the clock crew used to spit out alot of crappy flash that wasent nearly as nice as illwillpress(in Bg wise) if its so easey as you say i mean. I am in no means defending the last movie because i think it was quite lazy myself, but all this hate towards him and Legendary frog and knox its so childish. I know you didnt bring them up here, im just saying why are you so bothered by another ones succes ? even if its mostly motion tweening? I think you should mind your own buisness and stop hating. You got potentional that i could see in the can-ish clock, dont waste it
Love & Peace
ohh by the way im not a "Foamie"